Workshop Photos


AVAM presents the team of Benson and Ames in workshops on how to make your own mirror creations. A basic class covers how to cut and work with mirrors, and advanced class (two sessions) features building more elaborate designs. In both classes those attending will make several objects, and all supplies and materials are included.

November 10th --- Home School Workshop Photo Gallery!

Click on the thumbnails for see the full size photos

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November 11th --- Mirror Jewelry (and other stuff ) Workshop!

Click on the thumbnails for see the full size photos

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August 18th --- Workshop Photo Gallery!

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Past Workshop Photo Galleries!

Click on the thumbnails for see the full size photos


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AVAMWorkShp1.JPG (125699 bytes)

AVAM Workshop 008.jpg (436357 bytes)

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AVAMWorkShp82.JPG (129568 bytes)


Workshop - February 25, 2006 - Below

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StudentVanityMirror.jpg (125524 bytes)

StudentsEmeralCity.jpg (153307 bytes)

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Workshop - March 25, 2006 - Below

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